Tornado 1.2
Im pleased to announce that Tornado is now at version 1.2. Not only does this mean that it is essentially out of beta, but its' been accumulating some nice features since it was properly released.

Im pleased to announce that Tornado is now at version 1.2. Not only does this mean that it is essentially out of beta, but its' been accumulating some nice features since it was properly released.
After using it for a few days on my own projects, I made notes on some of the usability issues I was running into, and have been slowly adding and fixing things over the past week.
Something that I'm chuffed with, is the fact that the images are served correctly to the user based on the rendered dimension + the DPI of the screen it is being displayed on. This makes the initial loading very quick, but allows you to view the images super crisp no matter the zoom level. I did encounter some strange buffer/flashing images initially as the canvas would zoom in and out, but I realized I could hydrate these buffers by creating synthetic image elements that are not even mounted directly into the DOM (before rendering the actual image variant), which solves the issue. Such is the life of web development :P
Some nice new features include:
- Lock mode to make standard viewing much nicer and easy, with auto-lock disengaged when you paste images into the board
- Cropping and resizing of the images which are pasted in
- A rewrite of some of the API's to make the system more efficient.
- Images are pasted with their initial widths now an average of all the other images on the board
- Zoom out is effectively now only capped until the largest image would exceed a rendered width of about 100px, meaning you can continue to resize and scale images without worrying about the initial canvas zoom level.
Thats all for now, hope you find the new version as useful as I am :)
Credits to most of the artists in the example image: